Readers’ Choice 2024
Part Three
• Album: Leif Vollebekk’s Revelation on Spotify and YouTube
• Album: Alice Randall’s My Black Country on Spotify and YouTube
• Vollebekk in Kurated No. 216
• Randall in Kurated No. 211

Montreal-based Leif Vollebekk toured behind his first album since before the pandemic, Revelation
CONTRIBUTORSToronto’s Caitlin Smith and Vancouver’s Rachel Rocco both found favourite albums on Kurated this year.
• Alice Randall’s My Black Country is an 11-song collection of country-oriented songs she wrote during her career as a Nashville songwriter. For the first time, many of her tunes are recorded by Black women on this album. Some of the stellar artists include Adia Victoria, Valerie June, Rhiannon Giddens, Leyla McCalla and Sunny War. The album release in May, 2024 coincided with the release of her book of the same same.
• Leif Vollebekk’s Revelation is his first release since 2019 and it’s been well-received by both audience and critics. Issued in May, 2024 he started touring immediately landing at the Vancouver Folk Music Festival in July and carrying on to the UK in the fall. He starts another Canadian tour in Vancouver on February 13 and 14 at the Pearl.
In addition to Vollebekk’s work Rachel highly recommends the podcast One by Willy. Host John Spong interviews songwriters about their relationship to one song by Willy Nelson. Check it out. Spong is a great host and features guests like Lucinda Williams, John Leventhal, Susan Tedeschi and Willie’s first daughter Lana Nelson.

The 7th Annual Readers’ Choice
One of Kurated’s aims is to share music with you. In turn, readers often mention new music, upcoming concerts, offer musical opinions and more. Once a year you’re invited to act as guest curators to highlight music that’s caught your attention during the last year in the annual Readers’ Choice series. Anything musical is welcomed whether its new, an old favourite, something self-composed and more. Thanks to all of you contributors for participating!

05 January 2025
Caitlin Smith
Toronto ON

Alice Randall
My Black Country
by Alice Randall
This year I discovered, thanks to Kurated, the wonderful music of Alice Randall. My Black Country is an amazing album with a stunning array of artists performing Randall’s songs. My favourite is Solitary Hero sung by Sunny War. It’s a haunting song about the life of a small town prostitute. Others are equally powerful.
About Caitlin: Caitlin Smith is a writer, fundraiser and Scrabble fiend. She lives in Toronto.
Rachel Rocco
Vancouver BC

Leif Vollebekk
by Leif Vollebekk
I listened a lot to Leif Vollebekk so he must be my fave this year. That and the podcast One by Willy.
My brother and sister in-law were here and we thought that we would go see the Boss BUT, man, concert tickets are really too expensive since I last checked! So I was looking for a concert and found out Leif is playing on Valentine’s Day at the Pearl…so got tickets to that.
One by Willy is a podcast by Texas Monthly. Host John Spong interviews other songwriters about their relationship to one song by Willy – fun conversations. Check it out here.
About Rachel: Rachel Rocco works at being retired, spending time reading, taking pictures, travelling with her partner, doing yoga and trying to spread the healing power of qigong to the community. You can find out more at practicingqigong.ca