I’ve been sharing tunes with friends for most of my life. And them with me. Kurated is the digital equivalent of telling you about a great new artist, lending you a record or the latest issue of MOJO or Rolling Stone. It’s a personal – and non-commercial – project and chronicles my explorations in the expansive world of contemporary music – new and old. I look at it as a self-directed continuing ed class. Researching artists, choosing music and writing the posts are my assignments. Deciding if they matter is up to you.
You won’t like all the artists or everything you hear in these playlists. I certainly don’t. But they are noteworthy and each post aims to make that case. IMO, if you’re interested in popular music, everything here is deserving of your attention.
Kurated explores an eclectic range of music and its goal is to expand our – yours and mine – sonic horizons. Popular music constantly evolves and records the evolution of our local, national and international cultures. Kurated roams around in that big soundtrack. It aims to broaden our musical scope and knowledge of genres, styles, musical history, the people who are involved in it and more. My underlying mandate is foregrounding music as a force for social change both through the artists and what they create.
Kurated welcomes your feedback and input. Let me know what you think. And, if you’d like to contribute directly, visit the Contact page to learn about the annual Readers’ Choice series.