The queer, diasporic Filipinas call their sound lo fi R&B gong punk
The queer, diasporic Filipinas call their sound lo fi R&B gong punk
Bubba is the artist’s second album nominated for the Polaris Music Prize. His 2016 debut album, 99.9% won the award that year
New album All That Emotion was produced by The National’s Aaron Dessner
Turning George Harrison’s My Sweet Lord from “a gentle cosmic entreaty into a howl of spiritual abandonment and accusation.”
Establishment hipsters Barack and Michelle Obama ply their trade. Is that a bad thing?
Three short live sets in support of her new self-titled recording
I’ve been sharing tunes with friends for most of my life. And them with me. Kurated is the digital equivalent of telling you about a great new artist, lending you a record or the latest issue of MOJO or Rolling …Read More
The Pretenders’ new release sounds as vital as when they began 40 years ago. Is it enough?